Lawn Care Services

Lawn Services

While choosing lawn care service, you are likely going to choose any of the two categories. Either, you can hire a company to take care of the ins and outs maintaining your outdoor, or you can want to do yourself. Before doing self-maintenance of your lawn, you must be well aware of all the required information. This mainly includes the appropriate period of mowing the grass. If you mow grass when the sun is extremely hot, then you are applying additional stress on the grass. Even you should not mow right after rain or until the grass is entirely dry. If you cut a wet yard, the grass will get open to all sorts of fungus and disease. This can eventually kill the grass.

You can keep healthy yard by setting frequency of lawn care service. Lawn care companies will come on a regular schedule of once a week. The general rule of thumb for any yard states to cut off not more than one-third of the grass once.

Finally, you must be acknowledged about the proper process of mowing the grass. Here, you need to hire a lawn care service. Professionals are experts to cut the grass properly in order to retain its healthy look.

Simply call us at 248-588-1694, email us at, or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!
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