Tag Archives: mowers

Lawn Mowing

Lawn Mowing

Lawn mowing sounds extremely straightforward. However, lawn connoisseur knows the proper procedure of lawn mowing. Biggest miscue homeowners make cutting grass too short. Evenness of the cut provides lawn, a good look. Grass grows faster after it has been trimmed to regain its genetic form.

Second most issue is when to stop mowing. Lawn mowers maintain, never to remove more than one-third of blade length. Mowing means pruning. Severe cutbacks are more stressful for grass and require extra energy to heal. When grass grows faster in mid-spring, mowing is required twice a week.

You should not leave enormous piles of clippings of grass after mowing. This will mat down the leaving grass blades, which will discolor the grass and provoke diseases. Clippings in small piles need to be raked up. It is preferable if you compost it or use as mulch over garden beds.

Finally, many homeowners take the same route while mowing. This is because of convenience, habit or nosy neighbor. No horticultural problem will arise with that, but altering the route provides cosmetic difference.

Lawn mowing tips include mow high and often with sharp blades. Soon, you will become a master of mowing.

Simply call us at 248-588-1694, email us at info@totallawncareinc.com, or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!
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