Tag Archives: Snow Mold Fungicides

Pink and Grey Snow Mold Patches

Snow Mold Treatment and FungicidesSnow Mold Fungus is unfortunately a very common occurrence here in Michigan. Often times Snow Mold shows up as either a grey or pink patch in the area where large amounts of snow has melted. Edges of driveways and street curbs are the most common places Snow Mold shows up. Snow Mold is not always easy to diagnose. Some of the tell-tale signs are white areas of turf in which grass blades are dead, bleached, and clumped together. Even though the sight of Snow Mold is a cause for concern, it rarely causes permanent damage. Gray Snow Mold typically damages just the blades of grass, and can generally be combated by a light raking of the area and a spring application of fertilizer. Pink Snow Mold, on the other hand, can invade the roots and crowns of turf and cause more extensive damage to the grass.

Although Snow Mold is a fungi, fungicide applications are generally not recommended for residential lawns except in extreme cases. Spring Fertilizers generally have a concentration of salt, which is healthy for soil and helps remove the fungus. This is the most often used form of treatment, and least chemical intensive.

If you think you may have Snow Mold damage to your lawn, please call us to have one of our Turf Specialists visit your property to diagnose your lawn. Call us at 248-588-1694 info@totallawncareinc.com, or Click Here to use our Online Request to schedule an appointment for a free!

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