Total Lawn Care’s 21st Season!

If you are considering an enhancement or renovation project this year, please help us to give your project preference by calling early to plan with one of our staff professionals.

Updates as we prepare for our 21st season!

Lower fuel prices mean that there will be NO price increases to the services contracts and we will not apply fuel surcharges unless gas rises above $3.20/gal. We continue to explore viable, alternative fuel sources and new technologies to help keep prices down and lower fuel emissions.

Phase 2 of the landscape installation project at Mahle’s World Headquarters is complete and was awarded The Farmington Hills Beautification Award for the ‘creation of a beautiful place to work and live’.

We took in over 750 tons of compostable material and processed it into rich, fertile and repurposed compost, which was thereby diverted from our landfills.

We remain steadfastly committed to the promotion of The Healthy Lawn Care Program. See enclosed program details.

There are four MGIA/Professional Land Care Landscape Certified Technicians, one International Society of Arboriculture Certified Arborist and one Michigan Nursery and Landscape Certified Green Industry Professional on staff this season and we continue to promote furthering education, training and development for all of our team members.
Looking forward to seeing you this spring!!

Please call for more information at 248-588-1694 or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!

Peter, Michael, Bill, Fred, Cindy, Brian and staff