Landscape Design


Landscape is to a house what a picture frame is to a good painting. It is perfect for bringing out the best features of your property while hiding the rough edges. A house that doesn’t have good landscape design can look naked and as if it doesn’t belong. Another great thing about a designed landscape is the increased curb appeal – the International Society of Arboriculture has said that a landscaped house can be worth up to eighteen percent higher than its non landscaped neighbour.

The increased liveability of a house that has a landscape design is amazing – creating an outdoor living space can give you the extra room you and your family need. Not only does it look good but landscaping can provide a great deal of personal satisfaction, its when all the elements come together in a visually appealing way that you know for sure that you have achieved successful landscape design.

Simply call us at 248-588-1694, email us at, or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!

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Lawn Care Services

Lawn Services

While choosing lawn care service, you are likely going to choose any of the two categories. Either, you can hire a company to take care of the ins and outs maintaining your outdoor, or you can want to do yourself. Before doing self-maintenance of your lawn, you must be well aware of all the required information. This mainly includes the appropriate period of mowing the grass. If you mow grass when the sun is extremely hot, then you are applying additional stress on the grass. Even you should not mow right after rain or until the grass is entirely dry. If you cut a wet yard, the grass will get open to all sorts of fungus and disease. This can eventually kill the grass.

You can keep healthy yard by setting frequency of lawn care service. Lawn care companies will come on a regular schedule of once a week. The general rule of thumb for any yard states to cut off not more than one-third of the grass once.

Finally, you must be acknowledged about the proper process of mowing the grass. Here, you need to hire a lawn care service. Professionals are experts to cut the grass properly in order to retain its healthy look.

Simply call us at 248-588-1694, email us at, or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!
Thank you!

Lawn Mowing

Lawn Mowing

Lawn mowing sounds extremely straightforward. However, lawn connoisseur knows the proper procedure of lawn mowing. Biggest miscue homeowners make cutting grass too short. Evenness of the cut provides lawn, a good look. Grass grows faster after it has been trimmed to regain its genetic form.

Second most issue is when to stop mowing. Lawn mowers maintain, never to remove more than one-third of blade length. Mowing means pruning. Severe cutbacks are more stressful for grass and require extra energy to heal. When grass grows faster in mid-spring, mowing is required twice a week.

You should not leave enormous piles of clippings of grass after mowing. This will mat down the leaving grass blades, which will discolor the grass and provoke diseases. Clippings in small piles need to be raked up. It is preferable if you compost it or use as mulch over garden beds.

Finally, many homeowners take the same route while mowing. This is because of convenience, habit or nosy neighbor. No horticultural problem will arise with that, but altering the route provides cosmetic difference.

Lawn mowing tips include mow high and often with sharp blades. Soon, you will become a master of mowing.

Simply call us at 248-588-1694, email us at, or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!
Thank you!

Cost of Lawn Service

Cost of Lawn Service

The average estimation of lawn service can be difficult to calculate because cost varies on the area and market of the country. A couple of factors can give you an idea of the costing. Firstly, price depends on the size of the yard. The bigger your yard, the more you have to pay. Another factor is the type of company you will choose.


Companies providing full services have high rates but if you choose the right company they can be quite cheap. Their services include edging, mowing the lawn, debris removal and fertilization. People pay for lawn care services because they want their garden to look beautiful. For this, they call the lawn care companies and ask their estimation. Even in their websites, you can find lawn estimation calculator. Researches show that basic lawn care price ranges from $40 to $70 per week. Lawn Care companies can provide other forms of maintenance usually for an additional charge. You can hire the lawn care services to tend to your garden and make your garden more appealing.

Lawn Sprinkler System Blowouts and Winterization!

        Sprinkler Winterization and Blowout for Troy, Birmingham, Royal Oak, Clawson MI.It’s that time of the season! If you haven’t already, please contact us to confirm your Lawn Sprinkler System Winterization for these upcoming months! Because of the type of work, Sprinkler System Blow-outs require us to have access to your water lines, often within your home. The yearly winter blowout is a VITAL part of Sprinkler System Maintenance, as water in your lines can lead to freezing and damage your sprinkler system. Often times this damage can cost over $900 in repairs! Do yourself a favor and call today to guarentee your Sprinkler Winterization before it’s too late! Simply call us at 248-588-1694, email us at, or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!

Seasonal Snow Removal Services Sign Up!

Seasonal Snow Removal Services and Plowing with Salting        Total Lawn Care Inc. is offering Seasonal Snow Removal, and Salting Services for both Residential, and Commercial properties. We have a VERY LIMITED CAPACITY this year, with only 400 slots available, so be sure to call us as soon as possible and secure your spot on the route! We offer Snow Removal and Snow Plowing for almost every city in Oakland County MI, including but not limited to: Troy, Birmingham, Bloomfield, Bloomfield Hills, Beverly Hills, Sterling Heights, Clawson, Royal Oak, Berkley, Ferndale, Rochester, Rochester Hills, and Madison Heights. Simply call us at 248-588-1694, email us at, or Click Here to use our Online Request to secure your spot, or get a free estimate!

Total Lawn Care Inc. provides a wide variety of lawn care and landscaping needs such as lawn mowing, grounds maintenance, f, and many other services within Cities in Oakland County such as Troy and Bloomfield.